This is the first time i am a biscotti..Not sure where the mistake was .It really melted away.But it was a real disaster. Although the taste was good but it was not crispy.Even seema our friend tasted it.She liked it but was not crispy. I prepared as per the instruction on the website
Foodnetwork-Giada ..But did not turn up well ...Could any body share with me the perfect recipe ..I would love to prepare it ....
Melted away? Too much butter perhaps!
Atleast it was edible, happens sometimes. Don't give up!:)
Anyway, here is the site with many recipes, try the easiest.
Good luck!:)
Thankyou very much asha ji ..I will surely make a note of this website and try it out soon !!!! Thanks again ...
I think it's too much butter.
Deepa - I have no suggesstions as never ventured & tried it myself....but i can be the Taste & Quality tester :-) & help u with that!!
Biscotti needs a firm dough Deepa, like cookies or harder than scones. Did you add more butter or milk?? anything that makes it very soft is not good, even eggs. check out my reicpe here http://funnfud.blogspot.com/2007/10/heart-healthy-cranberry-and-pistachio.html
It's a healthier version too:) and joy of baking seems to be a great resource also:)
Don't give up! I'm sure you'll get it right again!:)good luck!
Hi Deepa,
Dont lose heart. At least you dared to try something new, now like some one i know (thats me) who chickens out when ever I think of baking. You will perfect it the next time, I am sure.
Wish I could give my two cents. but i have never baked biscotti so far.
Oh, me too never baked Biscotti..Visit Deeba's blog..She has baked lots of biscottis..Might be of help..
Deepa, the one I've posted on my blog is something I've made many times and it has not failed me so far.. (seema also tasted it when she was here). You can give that a shot.
Yeah maybe the dough is too soft and too much butter?
Mythreyee ...Thank you ..I think its butter!!!
Seema i know you are a good taster ...no issues on that lady!!!
Hey Mansi ..Thanks a lot the advice ...I will surely try them ..
Hey Vimmi ..thankyou for your kind words...i will surely try it soon ...
Hey meera ..no worries ..i will soon post my another version ..Hope they come out well ..
Hey maya ..thank you for the advice ..i will surely look on deeba's blog and find out ..
Hey Laavanya ..thank you ..I heard from seema about your biscottis ..I will surely try them soon ...
You are right happy cook ...Its the butter that has made it like this ....Will try it out next time...
i think coz of too much butter....check out my version...i triedfor the first time... its soo simple http://spicesnflavours.blogspot.com/2008/02/lemon-dry-fruits-nuts-biscotti.html
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